Kyle is Policy Director at BIC. For the last fifteen years, he has campaigned on human rights, animal rights, ecological integrity, agriculture, nutrition, and energy. Currently, he also chairs the board of the US Climate Action Network, the largest network of organizations collaborating to fight climate change. He is driven to undo policies that reaffirm structural inequities and to see that public institutions are democratic, transparent, and accountable.
Prior to coming to BIC, Kyle worked with other non-governmental organizations including Greenpeace, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Stand (formerly ForestEthics), and the European Environmental Bureau. His successes include legislation and regulations at the state, national, and international levels. He has served as an NGO spokesperson to international media in dozens of countries and numerous outlets in print, radio, and television. Prior to graduate school, Kyle worked in the financial sector on real estate owned, lending, taxes, and insurance.
Kyle received his L.L.M. degree in international law from the University of Kent in Brussels. He completed an M.A. degree in global environmental policy from American University where he spent a semester at the United Nations University for Peace focused on sustainable development. He also has a B.A. degree in international affairs and political economy from Lewis and Clark College.